Whenever you have been injured in an auto accident, it is extremely important to get an accurate diagnosis before any kind of care plan is implemented. A chiropractor in SE Portland must follow all standards before ordering an MRI. If he or she observes a substantial radiculopathic presentation (an injury where one or several nerves are affected and not working properly, and pain, numbness, weakness, or an inability to control specific muscles), an immediate MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can be ordered before starting any care program.
To state this another way, if any sensory or motor aberration radiating around your flanks or in your limbs (including foot drop, aberrant reflexes, and hyperesthesia (abnormal physical sensitivity, especially of the skin), a chiropractor in SE Portland can schedule an MRI to find out if there are any space occupying lesions caused by an injury or accident that might affect your type of care.
An example of this kind of injury is a herniated disc. A chiropractor needs to decide whether he should start spinal adjustments. An MRI can reveal if there's enough room around the lesion to proceed or whether it's best to wait until the herniated disc naturally shrinks.
A Portland in chiropractor can also work in conjunction with neurologists, orthopedic specialists and surgeons and has access to the most recent technologies, including CT scan imaging, should they become necessary. Whether you are suffering from an auto wreck injury or a work related injury, a chiropractor in SE can work within your schedule to see you and explain any problems that are found.
Chiropractic practice usually accepts all work insurance and auto insurance coverage, so money shouldn't be a factor. The majority of policies will cover chiropractic care 100%, so you can be sure that your exam will be thorough and that wise recommendations regarding how severe your injuries are and whether an MRI is necessary can be made effciently.