Monday, February 27, 2017

Understand the Benefits of Chiropractic for Accident Pain with SE Portland Chiropractor

Auto accidents can be a literal pain in the neck. Not to mention other parts of your anatomy. Musculoskeletal injuries are common after low speed automobile accidents, especially whiplash. Whiplash is particularly hard for traditional, mainstream medicine to treat.

If you have aches and pains after an accident, you should see a SE Portland chiropractor as soon as possible. Ideally, you should see them immediately after the accident, even if you are not in that much discomfort. In some cases, symptoms can take several days to show up, but the problem is already there and can be resolved.

A chiropractor who focuses on auto injuries will not only be able to treat the problem and help ensure that long term issues do not develop, but can also help with issues such as insurance paperwork and ensuring that evidence of your injuries is recorded properly in case you end up in court. This will also help your recovery by reducing the inevitable anxiety and stress associated with being in a wreck. A therapeutic massage helps with that too.

A good chiropractor will also know when to refer you to another medical specialist, so you do not need to worry about them trying to resolve an injury that is outside of their purview. However, the vast majority of musculoskeletal injuries after low speed accidents can be helped by chiropractic care, alone or in combination with other therapies. They can also help you without resorting to drugs, which can fog you up, extended rest (which none of us have time for) or surgery.

If you have been in an accident, you should promptly contact a good chiropractor and get an initial evaluation so they can start working on resolving your injuries and helping you get your life back together.

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